When You Should See an Emergency Dentist

Here are the warning signs that it’s time to seek emergency dental care. 

It’s amazing how even the smallest dental issue can quickly turn serious. Perhaps you noticed a small dark spot on a tooth and now suddenly you’re dealing with serious pain. Don’t worry; our Washington, DC emergency dentists Dr. Samuel Lievano and Dr. Najib Joseph Bouchebel are just around the corner and can treat all of your urgent dental issues. Here are common problems that warrant immediate care from a qualified dentist,

Your Tooth Hurts

Most people don’t realize that even a minor toothache is considered a dental emergency. A persistent toothache can be a sign of a cavity, dental infection or gum disease, all of which require emergency treatment from our Washington, DC, dentist to prevent the problem from getting worse.

Your Gums Keep Bleeding 

Your gums shouldn’t bleed unless you are being particularly rough when flossing your teeth (be gentle with your gums when flossing and brushing); however, if you notice blood in the sink every time you floss this is a common symptom of gum disease. Since gum disease is progressive and can lead to tooth loss if left untreated, any changes in your gums (e.g. bleeding; swelling; tenderness) needs to be evaluated by a dental professional.

Your Tooth is Broken 

It is possible to damage a tooth and not even notice; however, if you have a broken or cracked tooth you will most likely know it because you’ll suddenly experience intense pain, particularly when chewing or putting pressure on the tooth. It’s important that you come into our office right away, as this is the only way to prevent the injury from getting worse.

Your Tooth was Knocked Out 

We know how scary it can be to have an avulsed or knocked-out tooth, but the good news is that we can sometimes reinsert and save the tooth if you come into the office immediately (within an hour of the injury). Rinse the tooth off and then try to place it back in the socket (gently, of course!). If you can’t, then place the tooth in a container filled with milk and then come into our office right away.

If you are looking for a dentist here in Washington, DC that can handle everything from emergency to routine dentistry then call Always Smile DC today at (202) 728-0896 to schedule an important. If you are dealing with a dental emergency, please let us know when you call.

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