How Dental Implants Rebuild Your Smile

Millions of people around the world have a tooth or two to injury or dental diseases like gum disease and cavities. Missing teeth could cause issues with talking, chewing difficulties, and negatively affect an individual’s self-confidence. This is why discussing possible tooth replacement solutions with your dentist, Dr. Samuel Lievano, or Dr. Najib Joseph Bouchebel, without delay is a vital part of keeping your dental health in check.

Here at Always Smile in Washington DC, dental implants are frequently used for rebuilding people’s smiles. Find out more about them below.

Restoring Lost Teeth with Dental Implants

Implants are synthetic tooth roots inserted by your dentist into the bone to replace missing teeth. Dental implant placement entails surgically inserting a titanium post right into the jawbone. Once the bone and gums have fused with the implant, the replacement tooth, known as a dental crown, is then connected to the post via an abutment, providing the look and function of a real tooth.

Implants could also be utilized alongside dentures and dental bridges for replacing multiple teeth and make these restorations more stable. They are commonly preferred since they don’t affect healthy neighboring teeth like traditional tooth restorations. Likewise, they’re more secure than removable restorations and work exactly like real teeth.

Dental implants are also considered to be the sturdiest and most long-lasting teeth replacement solution. They can even last from upward of 30 years or a lifetime, when cared for properly with proper oral hygiene practices and regular visits to your dentist in Washington, DC.

Additionally, dental implants can help with bone loss prevention. Once you lose a tooth, you’ll find the underlying jawbone deteriorating quickly that you may even lose as much as 25% of your jawbone in just a year. Fortunately, a dental implant can effectively stimulate the jawbone to promote further growth and keep your jaws in top shape.

Ideal Candidates for Dental Implants

In order to be eligible for dental implantation surgery, you should be in great general health, have healthy gums that are free of gum disease, and have adequate jawbone density to support the implants. If you don’t meet these criteria, your dentist may recommend additional dental treatments first before the dental implants or suggest other tooth replacement options.

Contact Us To Rebuild Your Smile With Dental Implants Today

Arrange an assessment with your dentist in Washington, DC, Dr. Samuel Lievano, or Dr. Najib Joseph Bouchebel, in Always Smile today at (207) 728-0896.

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